When it comes to a data breach or privacy loss, it’s not a matter of IF it will happen – it’s WHEN.
When a hacker seized control of Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center’s computer system earlier this year, preventing doctors from accessing patient records, it served as a jarring wake-up call to leaders in all fields. If it could happen to a hospital, it could happen to anyone. The simple fact is, insurance for data security breaches and privacy losses may not be optional anymore.

How prepared is your organization for a cyber-attack, stolen confidential information, business interruption, cyber extortion threat, or complete failure of computer systems? It is estimated the average cost of each comprised record is close to $200 including notification, public relations, credit monitoring and forensics. Surviving such a breach requires taking action now, to prevent devastating consequences later.
The Dougherty Company represents major insurance companies including Chubb and Travelers who specialize in handling cyber risks and offer a full suite of integrated insurance solutions to help minimize gaps in coverage
CyberSecurity coverage is a MUST. Risk mitigation through insurance coverage and loss prevention is more than just a smart investment – it’s business critical. For more information please contact us at info@doughertyins.com.